‘If Not Me Then Who?’ Why Elizabeth Smart Says Self-Defense Should Be as Common as Fire Drills


Elizabeth Smart said a new program called Smart Defense is designed specifically for women and girls to learn how to defend themselves against sexual assault.

“In the U.S., a person is sexually assaulted every 68 seconds, and 1 in 6 American women have been a victim of or almost completed rape, and that is terrifying,” Smart said on KSL NewsRadio’s “Dave & Dujanovic” show on Tuesday.

The first thing Smart wants people to learn from her self-defense program is that it’s not their fault if they become a victim of sexual assault.

“That is the No. 1 thing I want any and every survivor and victim to know. There is nothing that makes what happened to them OK. It is not their fault,” Smart said.

Read the full article here.


Elizabeth Smart Teaching Girls, Women to Fight Their Attackers


Staying Safe and Staying Smart with Self-Defense